GALILEO, University System of Georgia

GALILEO Open Learning Materials

Fine Arts

Fine Arts Open Textbooks

Fall 2015

Understanding Music: Past and Present.

Revised and Corrected Edition by Jonathan Kulp, 2017.

Original Authors

N. Alan Clark

Middle Georgia State University,

Thomas Heflin

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College,

Jeffrey Kluball

Darton State College,

Elizabeth Kramer

University of West Georgia,

Digital Editor for Current Open Edition

Jonathan Kulp

University of Louisiana at Lafayette,

Project Page for Current Open Edition

Part of the Musicology Commons and the Music Theory Commons

Recommended Citation

Clark, N. Alan; Heflin, Thomas; Kluball, Jeffrey; and Kramer, Elizabeth, "Understanding Music: Past and Present" (2015). Fine ArtsOpen Textbooks. Book 1.

Editor's Note

You'll note in the original paragraph quoted below I have crossed through the words "and free." This is because although the book was billed as an Open Educational Resource, the publisher and editor refused to share the source files with me, which is why I've gone to the trouble of making the current truly open edition, for which source files are freely available on my project page.

—Jonathan Kulp, 2017

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Understanding Music

Past and Present

N. Alan Clark, PhD | Thomas Heflin, DMA | Jeffrey Kluball, EdD | Elizabeth Kramer, PhD

Dahlonega, GA

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